Living by Jesus’ values brings clarity to us and others

(The Bible reference links are repeated at the end as a Bible study.) John 1:9 Amplified Bible There it was, the true light was then coming into the world, the genuine, perfect, steadfast light that illuminates every person. IF you are like me, you start the New Year with a resolve to read the Bible…

Jesus’ call to obedience

  Jesus’ challenge – John 14:15-16 “If you love Me you will obey My commands and I will ask the Father, and He will give you another to be your Advocate, who will be with you for ever – the Spirit of Truth.” We live in an age that puts a high value on consensus,…

Why we need Malachi’s message about the covenant today

The Ten Commandments, symbolic of the covenant with Moses, are literally built into the Texas State Capitol, making a statement about the partnership between God’s purposes and ours. Mal. 2: 2-6 Why there’s always a way back to God THE idea of covenant is frequently talked about in the Bible but it isn’t a term…


Use these four insights to beat the flesh at its own game The ‘glass half-empty’ is a common response of the flesh that blocks the perspective of the Spirit. Romans 8:3-5 NIV For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in…

The faith decision that brings a new nature

How Jesus makes us a new person – yes, new! Search and rescue helicopter: We are rescued and lifted up by Jesus – and find His perspective is different. Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will…

Born again: born from above

2015-22.13 Blue Run post Go further on Red Run. Coaching perspective on Black Run. TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2015 – John 20:19-22 Growing:  A characteristic of Christians is that we are intentional about growing, spiritually. Receiving and growing in the Holy Spirit Pentecost THIS past Sunday was celebrated by millions of Christians (actually about two billion) in every tradition…